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        20044月上市以来,临床医生已用今又生治疗数万例恶性肿瘤患者,已治疗的肿瘤类型包括起源于多种组织来源的恶性肿瘤,包括头颈部恶性肿瘤、肝癌、肺癌、食管癌、消化道肿瘤、乳腺癌、子宫颈癌、卵巢癌、膀胱癌等。在国内外生物学杂志发表的文章达130多篇,其中包括在临床肿瘤学最权威的杂志:Journal of Clinical Oncology。应用途径也由单纯瘤内注射发展到动脉内给药、胸腹腔灌注和静脉滴注等。

        总结临床应用结果,今又生治疗恶性肿瘤有多项优点:1)基本生物学机制非常明确;2) 多途经多方面抗肿瘤作用; 3) 广谱的抗肿瘤作用; 4) 高度的安全性,提高患者的生活质量;5)和其它肿瘤治疗方法有很好的协同作用,基础研究和临床应用都证明,今又生?可以增强化疗、放疗和热疗的疗效,并用于手术前(使肿瘤缩小、肿瘤组织结构变化,增加手术切除机会或缩小手术切除范围),手术中(切口边缘或残留肿瘤组织内注射)或手术后。


Present Status of Clinical Application 
Since its introduction in market, Gendicine? has been used to treat tens of thousands malignant tumor patients, including tumors of multiple tissue/ cell origin such as liver, lung, esophageal, alimentary canal, breast, cervical, ovarian, head & neck and bladder cancer. The results were published in national and international journals, including the authoritative ‘Journal of Clinical Oncology’. The route of administration has been extended from its original direct

intra-tumoral injection to intra-arterial, thoracic infusion and intravenous dripping methods.


 Advantages of using Gendicine 
To summarize the clinical results, the advantages of Gendicine? in the treatment of cancer are: 1) the biological mechanism is very clear, 2) multiple effect against cancer, 3) wide spectrum anti-tumor type, 4) high safety margin would allow better quality of life for patients, 5) high synergistic effect with other treatment modalities. The basic and clinical sciences studies have confirmed the synergistic effect of Gendicine? in chemo-, radio-, thermotherapy. Pre-surgical use of the drug can shrink the tumor size, structure and area of involvement, and tumor-normal tissue junction injection peri-operatively.    

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